Worship & Community
Fairmilehead Parish church and our halls are very much at the centre of the community. Please get in touch if there is any way we can help you.
There are lots of things happening for all ages and not just on a Sunday!
Join Sunday Worship at 10:30 am
We gather together anytime between 10:20 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Our Praise band will be singing or our organist Louise will be playing. You can come in either door. We have a main door from the street or there is a car park with parking spaces three of which are set aside as less able spaces. Once inside please just sit wherever you would like to.
The first 15 minutes is a time of worship for all ages together. Then at 10:45 am the children go out for activities in the halls and the service continues with hymns, instrumental music, readings, prayers and a sermon.
After worship, we stay on to have tea and coffee in one of our halls. It’s a good way to get to know one another, share news and build friendships.

Young People on a Sunday
All children are welcome to come along to our 10:30 a.m. services. The children spend the first 15 minutes with us in church, where it is a child-focused time. During this time it doesn’t matter if your children sit quietly with you, or if they run around. We welcome all ages, all abilities and we have a wonderful team of leaders who offer activities and learning when the children leave the sanctuary at 10:45. If you are new to church your child will be made most welcome and please feel free to move between the service and the creche as you wish while your child settles.
Home Communion
Should you wish to receive communion at home please speak to your Elder or contact the church office and leave a message for Mrs Annette Mackenzie who will coordinate with the Minister.

Dementia Sensitive Worship
Our Minister Cheryl has worked closely with Faith in Older People for over a decade developing the worship experience for those living with dementia. She also worked closely with Alzheimer’s Scotland for many years.
Should you wish a loved one to share in a dementia-sensitive time of worship at home or in church, please speak to your Elder or let the church office know.
Wednesday Worship
We will begin offering mid-week worship again in 2024. Please look out for an update on this page.

Thursday 'Time of Stillness'
at 2:00pm
On the first Thursday of the month, why not come and join our Minister for a Service of Stillness? The service is held in Caerketton Chapel which is the first room on the left as you come into the church centre from the car park. The service is for everyone and nothing will be asked of you while you are at the service. It’s simply a chance to listen to music and short readings to find that peace and stillness which so often escapes us during the week.
While the music plays in the stillness of the chapel, the walls are often lit by the reflections from the colours of the glass window, which adds to the precious spiritual experience.
The service lasts 20 minutes and then you can leave as quietly as you came. All are welcome in this place.
Our Praise Band
The Praise Band is a diverse and welcoming group of amateur singers and instrumentalists who love to come together in church through music and share that joy with others. People of all ages are welcome to join us and the only prerequisite to joining our praise band is a strong desire to express oneself musically. Previous singing experience and musical literacy are not required. The band rehearses from 9.30am on a Sunday morning: prior to leading the singing during Worship at 10.30am.
Please feel free to join us on a Sunday to sing/play on a regular or occasional basis. Usually, there are between 8 to 12 singers, together with 2 or 3 guitars, a keyboard, a flute and drums. We are always looking for new singers and instrumentalists to share in our passion for music, so why not come and join us?
You will be given a warm welcome, support and encouragement and copies of all the music. You don’t have to commit to coming along every week. We will be delighted to see you whenever you are available to join us.